Home > Virtual Travel Card (VTC) > Imaging > Adding Documents

The Documents tab works differently than the Images tabs (Xrays, Posture Analysis and EMG). You can import Electronic Documents (MS Word, MS Excel, PDF files, etc) or you can import scanned copies of paperwork documents onto a Patient file. You can also attach a Template Document onto a Patient.

Atlas will utilize the programs installed on your computer to open files attached under the Documents tab. This means, if you attach an MS Word document to a Patient, you must have a program installed that can open an MS Word file. This functionality extends to any file-type you import into the Documents tab. Spreadsheets generally open with MS Excel, or you can use Adobe Reader to open PDF files.

When adding a file to the Documents category, follow the steps for adding Images, except choose Documents as the Image Type. This will present you with different options from the Images import.

First, select if this Document is an existing Template (see Configure Desktop Templates section for details) or choose LOCATE to navigate through your file system to the desired file. Be sure to add a TITLE for your Document. This TITLE will appear in the list of available files – failing to add a TITLE will make selecting the file difficult.

Also, be mindful of the option to Keep Original File. If you choose not to keep the original, Atlas will remove it from the initial location when importing. If you will need future access to the Document or would like to import into other Patient files, be sure to check off ‘Keep Original File’.

SAVE when complete.

NOTE: There are Free downloads available from Microsoft to allow a read-only version of Microsoft Office files to be opened. The Free, read-only versions are available for MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This is a cost effective solution to installing a full functioning version of MS Office on each computer.

Edit any Documents on a Patient file by Right Clicking on the Document and selecting your edit.
You can Edit the Title of the Document, the Document Date – also you can XFR (Transfer) to another Patient or Delete the Document file.
NOTE: Delete is permanent. Be sure of your changes before proceeding.

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Document Folders
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Configre Document Templates