Home > CA Screen (CHAS) > Transactions > Financial Plans > Create a Plan Transaction

To create a plan for your patient, first gather the details about the agreed upon plan. This may include consulting with your Patient, allowing them to review their options and having them sign a written agreement. Once the Plan details are in order, proceed to enter this information into Atlas.

  1. Open the Patient file: refer to the Patient section for details on this step
  2. Create a ‘Transaction’: use the TRANS button on the Patient file
  3. Choose the ‘HEATLH PLAN’ Transaction option Health Plan is a built-in feature for Atlas which will help you navigate the proper steps to configure a Financial Plan on a Patient.
  4. Enter the total amount the Patient will be paying for the Plan in the ‘Amount’ box. This amount should reflect the Total Plan Cost the Patient will be paying ‘out of pocket’. This number is important to help Atlas properly calculate Bonus Dollars – Patients may benefit from a Financial Plan where they pay a discounted rate on Care and Atlas will be able to track the amount ‘saved’ by the Patient who takes advantage of this.
  5. Navigate to the ‘Amount Tendered’ box and enter the Payment amount (if the Patient is paying). Be sure to choose the Payment method also. You can enter part of the Total Amount Due or all of it in this box, you can also leave it blank (no Payment) as needed.
  6. If there is a ‘Balance Owing’ on this Plan (that is, the Patient made only a partial Payment or no Payment at all) clicking on SAVE TRANSACTION will direct you into the Post Dated Payment screen
    if you are presented with the Post Dated Screen, refer to the next section on Post Dated Payments for proper configuration details. Skip to step 7 when complete.
  7. After properly configuring the Post Dated Payment screen (or skipping if Plan was Paid in Full) you are directed back to the Transaction screen. Click SAVE TRANSACTION again and Atlas will move you into the Plan Detail screen (see next section).

NOTE: steps 1-7 are the recommended way to create Financial Plans for Patients. This method brings all the necessary options to you, helping ensure all details are addressed. Once you are comfortable with creating Plans, you can skip these steps and create Plans by clicking on the PLAN DETAILS button (located in the Patient BILLING tab) If you use this shortcut, you must be sure to manually create the Post Dated Payments and properly configure the Plan Details.

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Financial Plans
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Plan Details Screen