Open the Dot Notes window.
Utilities > Dot Notes
Dot Notes are a system within Atlas to help clinics track different items for their Patients. Its original design was to help track which Patients attended workshops (and which workshops they attended specifically) but has been used for other tracking as well.
In the following tutorial we will explain how to setup the Dot Notes system to track attendance at three specific workshops offered by a clinic.
Dot Notes display in the area below the Patient Notes box on the CHAS and under the Patient Name area on the VTC. They display (by default) on all Patient files.
1. Make Dot Note 1 Active - may get message 'clear all notes' = yes
Determine an initial color for your 'dot' -
generally select something which blends (grey, light blue) as it displays below
Patient note. Or something bold to highlight Patient something needs to be
· Dot Note Code: code label for note - in our example we will use 'eat' for our Eating Healthy Workshop
· Dot Label: description of note which displays on reports and when you hover over note
3. ALLOWED COLORS: add, make active, select color to change note to when selected. In our example, we will change note to 'green' when patient has attended workshop, and change label to Completed
· The order option allows us to change the order if we have multiple items in our drop down.
4. Save this note and exit
Created notes appear on all patient files in the CHAS and VTC.
To select the note, right-click on the note in the Patient file (either from the CHAS or VTC screens) and select the option from the drop down menu.
In the Dot Note setup window there is an option for 'Lists' - these lists are reports users can generate to display Dot Note status across Patient files.
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