Home > CLA Integration > Exporting from Millennium

This section takes into consideration that your office is trained on the proper usage of your Millennium scan system. Including taking scans, saving scans and accessing Patient information. If you require any assistance navigating your Millennium software, please contact CLA directly.

  1. Find your Patient in Millennium
  2. Find your Patient ID number in Atlas (refer to Edit Patient Information)
  3. Enter the Atlas Patient ID number in the Patient Number field in Millennium
  4. Open the Scan List for the Patient
    Click ACTIONS>Open Scan List for Patient
  5. Highlight the scan(s) you want to import
    The displayed scan(s) will be selected for export. You can close unwanted scans from this screen before proceeding
  6. Click TOOLS > Export Scans > ATLAS
  7. Click OK at the Successful Export message
  8. Review the Patient file in Atlas (under the EMG tab in Imaging) to see the exported scans

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