Home > CA Screen (CHAS) > Transactions > Pricing Hierarchy

When a Provider creates a charge on a Patient file from the VTC, these are the steps Atlas takes to determine the appropriate charge.

First to determine which Service to post:

  1. Atlas looks for the Service chosen by the Provider (if no service chosen, move to step 2) NOTE: This requires special configuration System Information and your Services list
  2. Atlas looks for Special Service(s) on the Patient file (if no Special Service(s), move to step 3)
  3. Atlas looks at the Default Service configured for the Provider (if no Default Service on the Provider, onto step 4)
  4. Default System Service configured in the System Settings screen



Second, to determine the appropriate charge for the selected service:

  1. Atlas looks to see if there is a Special Rate on the Patient file
  2. Atlas checks the Patient category for specific pricing
  3. Finally, Atlas checks the Default Amount on the Service

NOTE: Atlas will also take into consideration if a patient is on a pre-pay plan or has insurance on their file to determine the proper Patient charge.

The setup and configuration of these options is discussed in the following sections.

For additional details, refer to the Services setup section and the Patient setup section.
Providers can refer to the VTC section for details on how to Post Charges from the VTC.

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