Home > Virtual Travel Card (VTC) > Reading Stats Bar

Running along the right side of the VTC is the Statistics Bar. This bar shows the User at quick glance, different Statistics about the current Patient Care Schedule and visits and some information about the clinic Statistics.

This section will break down the bar into three components: the Care Details, Appointment Ledger and Clinic Stats.

  1. Care Details: the Care Details area shows stats for the Recommended Care Schedule and Financial Plan for the Patient. CS: Care Start Date – can be reset each year or to reflect a specific Date Range for recommended care CE: Care End date 4x, 3x, 2x: shows recommended Care in right column (2x per week, 3x per week, etc) and actual Visit Count in left column. The left column reflects the number of weeks with specific number of visits Tot: calculates totals for each column AC: Actual Visit Count from Patient’s First Visit – reflects ALL visits MV: missed visits – manually updated from CHA screen PS / PE: Plan Start / Plan End (Financial Plan) Date PV: Plan Visit Counts – shows current visits and total for Plan (right box) Blue Bar indicates, visually, how far along the Patient is in their Financial Plan. This makes it easier for the Provider to see when a Patient is nearing the end of their Financial Plan.
  2. Appointment Ledger / Visits by Week: the middle area shows the Patients’ Appointment Ledger and allows the same functionality as you find on the CHA screen. Click on any of the Dates to expand the Ledger Click on any of the Dates to compact the Ledger (after expanding) Right Click options available to change the Appointment Type, Reschedule, Delete and change Status of past Appointments (see Appointment section for more details) Grey area shows Visit Counts per week – in example it shows Dec 14th the Patient had 1 visit.
  3. Clinic Statistics: shows information for Room status and Daily Details Room Status is available for each Room (Table) the Provider is currently assigned to. The status is also color coded to indicate the current state of the Room and displays the Patient currently Signed In to that Room. Refer to the Room Status in the CHA section Daily Stats: A: number of Arrived Patients – this is the number of Patients Signed In and waiting L: number of Late Patients – this is the number of Patients who have not arrived for their scheduled Appointment time (Late time is configured in the System Information screen) M: number of Patients marked as Missed T: total number of Patients for the day Date / Time: stamped based on current system Date and Time

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