Home > Initial Setup > Rooms and Computer Locations

Rooms can also be thought of as ‘computers’ in your network. Each computer will be assigned a particular group of attributes through this window. The attributes will control the functionality and features of the Atlas software.

Proper configuration in this screen ensures proper functionality of the software – especially at the VTC and Front Desk computers.

For the computer to properly open to the VTC, you must have CASH open, Provider User Account properly configured and linked to the room, VTC checked on that room and Computer Location properly linked to the computer.



After configuring the Rooms in the previous section it will be necessary to set each computer on your network to their proper location. This will allow each machine to utilize the special attributes they were assigned.

Access the Computer Location screen through the Atlas menu or via the ‘Computer Location’ button on the ROOMS window. You can alternately toggle between the two windows using the navigation buttons.

NOTE: Computer Locations must be set at each computer individually in your network

  1. Choose the proper ‘Room’ from the drop down menu
  2. Click Exit to save
  3. Exit Atlas and restart Atlas on the computer for changes to take effect

Note: if the computer name in the ‘Assign this Computer’ box is blank or has any spaces in it, this may cause problems with the functionality of Atlas. Please consider renaming the computer.

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