Home > Modules > SMS / Texting Reminders > Setup Patient for Confirmation

Patient Appointment Confirmation is covered, in detail, in the Safety Net manual available on our Atlas+ Support Site. Please refer to the manual for additional information. The following section will outline the setup and usage of the SMS feature on a Patient file, and will assume the user is familiar with navigating the Atlas System Safety Net.

There are two main points to explain about the Confirmation Feature:

When a Patient is configured to have their Appointments Confirmed, each of their Future Appointments will be set for Reminders. 


Confirmation Alerts do not 'pop-up' or send automatically, but instead are organized and displayed in the CONFIRMS tab of the Safety Net. Proper use of the Safety Net is required to utilize Confirmations.


To begin, select a Patient who wants to have Reminders sent for their Appointments.

Open the Patient profile by clicking EDIT.

Click into the Confirms / SOAP tab.

You will find a checkbox labeled 'CONFIRM APPOINTMENT' - check this box to 'turn on' the feature for this specific Patient.

After selecting CONFIRM APPOINTMENT the user will be presented with configuration options.

With each of the options Atlas will take into consideration 'days before' based on the selected NORMAL OPEN DAYS in the Clinic Details.

Next select the Confirm method 'Text Messaging' from the drop-down menu.


To Test Confirmations:
Select a test Patient and set them up for Confirm 1 Day Before their Appointment as outlined above.
Add an Appointment for that Patient on the next day schedule.
Open the Safety Net and click on the CONFIRM tab.

Note the Patient appearing in the list.

The user can CONFIRM Patients by clicking the individual line CONFIRM button which will send SMS to the specific Patient or by clicking the large TEXT MESSAGING button which will send SMS to each of the Patients on the Confirm list.

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Setup In Atlas
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Send Individual SMS