Home > Virtual Travel Card (VTC) > Utilities

The Utilities button allows access to a few functions in the VTC.

  1. Change Pro: in clinics with multiple Providers, using the same Adjusting Tables, it may be necessary to change the logged in Provider to that computer. Logging in as different Providers allows SOAP notes to be posted with the correct Provider details and charges to be configured to the proper Provider. To CHANGE PRO, click on CHANGE PRO in the Utilities menu which will open up a list of available Providers. To select a new Provider, use the Touchpad number pad to select the Provider name. The Provider logged in will automatically change.

The current Provider logged into Atlas displays in the Title Bar – note the red arrow.

After changing Provider, all SOAP notes posted or charges created will be properly associated with the new Provider as configured.

  1. SOAP Date: to change the Date a SOAP note is posted on (before actually Posting the note) click on the SOAP Date button. This will open a calendar – select the specific Posting Date and continue making a SOAP note as outlined in the previous sections. This note will be Posted as usual, except with the newly selected Date. This feature is helpful when posting notes for different days (a Patient had an emergency adjustment over the weekend when the clinic was closed and the doctor is posting that visit on Monday) NOTE: be sure to change the SOAP Date back to today’s date before posting another note.
  2. Microtics: Microtics are designed to educate Patients during their visits. Microtics in Atlas are programmed in short phrases and appear at the bottom of the VTC when a Patient Signs In. Microtics are programmed on a System Wide basis or are able to be programmed specifically for a single Patient. The Microtic configuration screen can also be accessed via the CHA screen. Click on Utilities and Microtics to begin programming. If you are in a Patient file on the VTC, you will be presented with the option to configure Microtics for that specific Patient first (as in the following example) Click on the Add Microtic button to program your list Type the Visit Number to display the Microtic and the specific text NOTE: Microtics are limited to two lines of text NOTE: see the Current Visit Count number in the upper, right corner for the Patient’s current visit

If you are in the CHA Screen (or you would like to configure a Microtic schedule to apply to all Patients, click the Default Schedule option at the top of the screen.

The Default Schedule will be applied to all Patients who do not have a specific schedule programmed.

Microtics count by visits – the visit count is determined in the System Information screen.
Navigate to Setup > Initial Setup > System Information and under the Imaging and Articles tab to configure the Visit Count criteria.

NOTE: this setting affects the Default count method for the entire System

There are pros and cons to each setting in this screen. We recommend as a general rule, that if you are using Yearly Care Plans for Patients (the Provider is recommending a new Care Schedule each year) use the ‘Counting from Patients care start date’ option’. This will allow you to repeat a Microtic schedule each year – reinforcing your Patient education.

The other option ‘Count from Patient’s first visit’ – will require a Microtic schedule configured for each visit into subsequent years of care – as required.

Default Microtics appear in a yellow bar along the bottom of the VTC when a Patient signs in
Personal Microtics appear in a grey bar along the bottom of the VTC when that Patient signs in

  1. VTC Pitstops: the VTC Pitstop is accessible via the VTC screen or the CHA Screen. To access via the CHA screen, click the Pitstop button when you have the specific Patient file open. From the VTC, click under Utilities the VTC Pitstop option.

The window will display some information:

VTC Pitstops can be configured from the CHA screen also, using the same method. This can be beneficial if a Patient calls in and speaks with the CA about a financial concern. The CA can set the VTC Pitstop for ‘Next Visit’ and alert the Provider about the Patient’s situation.


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