Home > Initial Setup > Appointment Types

Appointment Types are the different appointments Patients can be scheduled for.
Appointment Types can be shared by all Providers or be unique to a specific Provider.

Appointments are not necessarily indicative of the Services that are charged for that visit.
Ex: the New Patient Exam Appointment could include X-rays, a Thermal Scan and an Adjustment – but each one of these Services need not be scheduled.

We recommend creating an Appointment Type for each visit a Patient may have in your clinic – including workshops, x-rays, consultations, etc. We also recommend keeping your Appointment Type list as simple as possible. Too many Appointment Types can make the process of booking confusing. Atlas uses a combination of color coding, time slots and the Appointment Ledger to help you determine Patient appointments at a quick glance.


  1. Appointment Type Details:  – area to enter attributes for each Appointment
  • Appointment Type: name of Appointment (limited to 20 characters)
  • Code: short code which displays on Patient Appointment Ledger (limited to three characters)
  • Hold: works in conjunction with the Calling System (see Calling System section) – will prevent a Patient from being called if they arrive for the specified Appointment
  • VTC: shows the last date the selected Patient was charged for the Appointment Types’ Related Service on the Virtual Travel Card Optimized for up to 5 different Appointment Types.
  • Special: allows you to segregate your printed Day Sheets to only the Special Appointments selected.
  • Rep Cd: (Report Card): reserved for future use
  • Related Service: Service most commonly charged or charged by default for specific Appointment. Used when Atlas is mapping Patient Appointments as it has the ability to insert specific Appointment Types based on your Care Schedule. For example, if each Patient is supposed to have a scan at every 12th visit, Atlas can schedule this automatically. To set this up properly, it will be necessary to map a Related Service (or Service charged) to the Appointment Type. Only Appointments included in the Care Schedule, marked as ‘VTC’ (see above) or set for Auto Chg (see below) need to be linked. This setting does not affect actual billing.
  • Auto Chg: automatically charges the Patient for the ‘Related Service’ when the Patient arrives for the Appointment Type. Atlas recommends only using this to auto-charge Patients for Workshops (even if just a $0 charge to note attendance)
  • Call to: when using the Calling Module, Atlas can direct Patients to a specific room based on Appointment Type – ROOMS  need to be configured before this feature can be used
  • Back and Font: determines color of cell background and text on Schedule – note the selected color sample in Appointment Type box
  • Order: reserved for future use
  • Inactive: check this box to inactivate specific Appointment Type (no longer using) or to re-activate
  1. Show Inactives: shows the Appointment Types previously marked as inactive
  2. Navigation Menu: Add (add appointment type), Edit (change existing entries), Find and EXIT

NOTE: when you click ADD or EDIT the menu changes to SAVE and REVERT – Save the current changes or Revert to the original data when you entered the window.

After the Appointment Types are setup, be sure to click Providers and properly link the Appointment Types and set the Default Appointment Type for each Provider.

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