Clinic Details: The Clinic Details are your clinics' information. These details appear on your Patient Statements and other financial reports as well as Insurance Forms. This information is in accordance with your license agreement. If you require changes to these fields, please contact Atlas Support.
Normal Open Days: The days your clinic is open are checked in this area. You can change this information. Any day that is checked will be available via quick tab on the Main Schedule.
Insurance Code/Details: This code is set in accordance with your clinic details. Typically it is not necessary to make changes to this area unless instructed by Atlas Support.
Email: Your Atlas Software has the ability to email out to Patients (both individual emails and mass emails). To do this, it uses your outgoing email information (also known as SMTP settings). This information is available from your email provider. See Email for more information.
SMS: Atlas offers a 'pay-per-use' SMS feature. Your SMS setup details are entered through this tab. See SMS for more information.
EDI: This tab is where to enter specific details pertaining to your insurance setup. Typically it is not necessary to make changes to this area unless instructed by Atlas Support.
Financial: The Financial tab is for bank routing information. Typically it is not necessary to make changes to this area unless instructed by Atlas Support.
PowerPay: PowerPay is a 'pay-per-use' feature available from Atlas Software. The details regarding your PowerPay account are entered in this tab. See PowerPay US or PowerPay Canada for more information.
FAX: The FAX number can be entered by end users. Simply type into the Fax box.