Home > Virtual Travel Card (VTC) > Entering SOAP Notes

There are two methods for entering information into the Patient SOAP note. Providers can enter information into the note by manually typing with the keyboard or by using the programmed buttons on the Touchpad. The two methods can be used together, they are not exclusive.

The main goal of touchpad programming and properly setting up the patient Care Screen is to make the entering of day-to-day notes more efficient. And when you can streamline the entering of SOAP notes, you can spend more time focused on what matters most in your practice, the Patients.

After all of the programming (and reprogramming) the first step to entering patient SOAP notes is to open a Patient file. Remember to use the EDIT button when practicing on note entering, to avoid inadvertently posting charges to Patient accounts.

To begin entering your SOAP note, press a programmed Touchpad button – the programmed information will begin to enter into the current SOAP note. Alternatively, you can click in the light blue area on the VTC which will open the current note for edit. Then you can manually type information using your keyboard. Once you begin entering the current SOAP note, you can utilize different Function Buttons to enter specialized information into the note.


If you have a Default Adjustment entered for the Patient, you can Post the Adjustment and charge using one button press.
Simply press the POST ADJUSTMENT button to perform this action.


POST ADJUSTMENT will post the current SOAP note, post a charge on the Patient file and clear the VTC, preparing it for the next Patient to Sign In.

When the Provider Posts the Adjustment, Patient charges are applied based on certain criteria. Most of the configuration is out of the hands of the Provider (the pricing structure is pre-configured) however, the system can be setup to allow the Provider access to a list of charges that can be posted to a Patient Account. This option will be explained in the next section.


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Selecting Charges at Post Adjustment