Home > Virtual Travel Card (VTC) > Selecting Charges at Post Adjustment

By Default, when a Provider Posts Adjustment for the Patient from the VTC, the Provider’s Default Service will be charged to the Patient Account. Usually, this is configured as an Adjustment. To check your current configuration, navigate to the Providers Setup window (Setup > Providers) and check the Default Service drop down option. There are many other factors that can affect the charge posted to a Patient Account. These are outlined in section ‘Pricing Hierarchy’.

One of the factors is the Provider selecting specific Services to charge for when he/she posts. It may be necessary to allow the Provider the ability to create different charges ‘on the fly’ which might normally be posted to a Patient Account by the CA at the front.

To configure this, it is necessary to setup a few options in Atlas first.

  1. Decide which Services should be included: not all Services in your database need to be charged from the VTC. Usually only Adjustments, Manual Therapy, X Rays, Consultations, Extremity Adjustments, etc need to be charged from the VTC. Using this idea, the list of Services available to the Provider to charge for can be specific to their needs. To configure this option: navigate to your Services window (Setup > Services) use the BROWSE option to see an overview of the available Services. Click EDIT to make changes and check the box ‘On VTC’ to allow the specific Service to be visible to the Provider.
  2. Allow Atlas to Display the Selected Services: navigate to the System Settings. (Setup > Initial Setup > System Information) Under the CHAS / VTC tab, click the option ‘Show Services on VTC’ (located under the VTC option side)
  3. Restart Atlas: restart Atlas for the configuration to take place. When Atlas opens up again, check on the VTC. Notice the list of Services now available on the right side of the Information banner.
  4. Click on the Visible Service: this opens the entire list of available Services. Check off the Services to create charges for and press Post Adjustment. Each selected Service will be Posted to the Patient Account. To shrink the Service list back to the compact view – click on any of the Service names in the list. NOTE: be sure to check off each Service, including any Adjustments. If the Patient has Special Services configured on their account – the Special Services will be automatically checked off in this list (if available) Services charged in this manner are still subject to Special Rate pricing, Insurance pricing and more.

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