Home > Virtual Travel Card (VTC) > Overview

1.      VTC Sign In: the VTC Sign In screen is active when no Patient is signed into the VTC computer. It will show your customized image (when configured). When a Patient swipes their card or fob, their VTC will appear automatically. If you need to access the VTC, without a Patient present (example: to edit a Patient file) use F12 on your keyboard to toggle between VTC and Sign In.

2.      General System Buttons: these buttons control the function of the VTC. Most functions can be accessed via the Touchpad (discussed later).

3.      Patient Information: displays Patient name, Birthday (if configured to appear), Patients’ Default Provider and Appointment Type Patient is scheduled for – may also display list of available Services to create charges for when properly configured (see section on Posting Adjustment)

4.      Diagnosis Codes: display specific Diagnosis Codes for Patient (US Insurance)

5.      Problem: displays primary problems (complaints) for Patient – when properly configured this area can be used to enter information into SOAP notes

6.      Notes: displays general notes about the Patient

7.      Default Adjustment: default SOAP note for Patient. When properly configured, this area will be Posted into the current SOAP note.

8.      Current SOAP note: displays SOAP note currently being entered for Patient

9.      SOAP History: displays previously entered SOAP notes – most recent note displays first

10.  Image / Documents: these tabs organize images and documentation entered into Patient file

11.  Spine: dynamic representation of Patient spine which allows color coding and informational segment labels.

12.  Care Plan Details: displays recommended Care Schedule for Patient – both the recommended visit count and the actual visit count (based on past charges to the Patient)
Also displays Financial Plan details (start/end dates, actual and total visits and bar graph of progress)

13.  Appointment Ledger: displays Patients’ appointments – this is the same as CHAS Appointment Ledger (see Appointments for details)

14.  Room Status: displays status for each room the current Provider is assigned to – shows Patient who is ‘signed in’ to the Room or Assigned to the Room.
Below Room Status is the day statistics – covered later in this section.

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Virtual Travel Card (VTC)
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Configure to Open In VTC