Home > CA Screen (CHAS) > Patients > Sign In Cards / Key Fobs > Remove RFID from Patient

It may be necessary to remove or change a Card or Fob on file for a patient.

To REMOVE a card/fob on file: follow the previous instructions to FIND and EDIT the Patient File and simply DELETE the number located in the ‘Card Number’ textbox.
NOTE: to easily remove the number, click on the end of the number line and use your backspace button to completely erase the numbers

To CHANGE a card/fob on file: follow the previous instructions to FIND and EDIT the Patient File.
Highlight the current Card/Fob number in the textbox – once highlighted you can hold the new card/fob over the reader until you hear a BEEP – at which point the new card/fob is assigned. The old card/fob can then be used for another patient file, if needed.

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Assign Temporary RFID
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Linking Families