Home > Initial Setup > Vacations


If you attempt to mark a day as Holiday or Vacation, that already has patients scheduled, Atlas will display a warning message alerting you to reschedule those appointments. Appointments remain on the schedule until action is taken to move them.

To navigate to the Vacations screen – see the menu image above in Holidays.
Vacations are Provider specific – the Vacations screen can be a fast method to enter ‘days off’ in the system for single Provider clinics.

  1. Choose a Provider from the dropdown list
  2. Choose a year (Vacations, like Holidays, must be created each calendar year
  3. Click on the desired Vacation day – the day will turn GREEN to indicate a Vacation
    NOTE: any days highlighted purple are Holidays and cannot be changed through this box
  4. Click EXIT to save

NOTE: Atlas will provide a warning message upon scheduling a vacation if the date happens to already have patient appointments scheduled. The warning message will provide you with the option to generate a report that will list all the patient appointments affected by the newly set Vacation.

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