Providers can also be alerted by PitStops directly in the VTC (Virtual Travel Card). These messages can be
configured from within the VTC or from the CHAS.
Appointment Type PitStops and the System PitStops (early, late, walk-in, etc) are not available to view on th e
VTC, however, Personal PitStops and specific VTC PitStops (configured by the Provider) are available. This
extends flexibility to the Provider to schedule specific messages related to Patient Care, Patient Education and
more; in addition to allowing the Front Desk to alert the Provider with specific information.
VTC PitStops appear in a discreet red bar along the bottom of the VTC screen until the
Provider clicks on them to reveal. This allows sensitive information to be passed to the
Provider, if needed.
From the CA Screen:
VTC Pitstops can be configured by the Front Desk following the procedure outlined above for creating Personal
PitStops on individual Patient files. After entering the Personal PitStop window, click on the VTC PitStop
button located along the bottom menu. From the VTC Screen:
To access the configuration screen for PitStops directly from the VTC click on the UTILITIES button located
along the top menu.
Once in the VTC Pitstop option window, refer to the
explanation outlined in the previous section of this
Manual titled ‘Personal’.
VTC PitStops appear the same as Provider Messages however have some important differences. PitStops can
be pre-configured (scheduled) and can be programmed to a specific Patient file.
To Acknowledge:
When a PitStop is received in the VTC the Provider has two options to acknowledge the message.
First, they could click on the red bar with the mouse cursor. This would open the message for viewing. Then
the Provider could left click on the viewed message to remove it from the screen.
Second, they could use the MSG TO DR button located along the top row of the Touchpad. This option would
replace the mouse click. The Provider could then press the MSG TO DR button again to remove the viewed
PitStop from the screen.
VTC PitStops cannot be saved after being viewed, unlike general Front Desk PitStops.